Perfect World Entertainment has partnered with us by offering us lots of close beta keys to give away for our Gamelytic readers. Players may begin redeeming these codes once the RaiderZ open beta launches on 10 24 2012 so get your key now and keep it in a safe place. All four items are rare and have an extremely low drop rate.
Raiderz beta code#
To celebrate the RaiderZ Open Beta October 24, have teamed up with Perfect World Entertainment to give out exclusive code keys which will grant you rare in-game items for RaiderZ. Don t miss out on this offer! RaiderZ is a free to play action MMORPG based on a non-targeting system, where players will have direct control over their characters. To get your beta code key you just need to click on the button below. and Perfect World Entertainment are pleased to present our users with a invite to RaiderZ Closed Beta US only.